Philip Taaffe, Strata Nephrodium, 2014. © Philip Taaffe; Courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine, New York
A Survey of Artists from Cornwall, CT
Opening reception: Saturday, July 3 from 4 to 7 Exhibition dates: July 3- August 2, 2015
James Barron Art / Kent is pleased to announce a group exhibition entitled, “Cornwall Bohemia.” This town in Litchfield County, Connecticut has been a haven for its creative community since the turn of the century.
The bucolic, rural landscape still attracts some of the most important American artists of our time. “Cornwall has always enjoyed a rich intellectual and artistic heritage, which is especially remarkable given the town’s tiny population,” notes gallerist James Barron. “We are proud to highlight this vibrant community in an unprecedented exhibition.” Works will include paintings, drawings, photographs, and sculpture by local artists Judith Belzer, Carl D’Alvia, Carroll Dunham, Todd Eberle, Greg Goldberg, Duncan Hannah, James Nares, Brendan O’Connell, Jackie Saccoccio, Laurie Simmons, and Philip Taaffe.
The heart of the Cornwall community lies in the artists, writers and luminaries who live there. The people who have previously resided in Cornwall set a great precedent. These accomplished individuals include Arthur Miller, Alexander Calder, William Styron, Frank McCourt, Larry Kramer, James Thurber, and Phillip Roth. The artists exhibiting in “Cornwall Bohemia” all work in this historic community of lush artistic growth, where decades of artistic leaders have found inspiration.