Mirrors and the Uncanny

Upper Gallery / Lower Gallery / Garden Cabin
July 15 - September 8, 2023

Exhibition Catalogue

"Freud said that the uncanny is the only feeling which is more powerfully experienced in art than in life."
Stanley Kubrick

Mirrors and the Uncanny explores the familiar seen as unfamiliar, as in a mirror, a doppelgänger, or in repetition. The show highlights artists who use mirrors and glass in their work, or who depict mirrors through painting and photography.

"Ah, the mirror feeling! That dizziness, the sensation of a mirror that turns, that turns, that turns, that returns, that empties, that fills, that deceives, that deceives and then is nothing, is nothing, and actually gives the sense that everything in life is an illusion. It’s terrible, it’s true, everything is only an illusion."
Giuseppe Ungaretti, in conversation
with Piero Dorazio and Beverly Pepper