Winfred Rembert: I Want to Tell the Truth
June 12 - July 12, 2020

Lower Gallery

"I want to tell the truth with this art. I've got so many stories to tell, I'll never get to tell them all, but I'll do the best I can."
Winfred Rembert

James Barron Art is pleased to present an exhibition of works by Winfred Rembert. Rembert's painted, tooled-leather works portray scenes from his childhood in rural Georgia and his young adulthood spent in a prison chain gang. The colorful, textured surfaces create a vibrant stage for Rembert to share his unique history.

James Barron Art stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and the black community. We will donate a portion of the proceeds to Southern Poverty Law Center, a charity that we have supported for decades and that my father, S. Steven Barron, had supported for many decades previously.